Thai women have long been admired for their flawless and unique beauty. They have been envied for their long silky hair, radiant glowy skin and perfect nails. The secret to a Thai women’s beauty probably lies in their genes. However, there are also some traditional Thai beauty recipes that come from nature. So, I will introduce you to a few different elements of traditional Thai beauty secrets. This category of Thai beauty secrets concerns special foods and nutrients.
Beauty Secrets
1. Coconut oil
Thai food and also traditional Thai beauty products often contain coconut oil which is one of the best natural oils. Coconut oil has numerous health benefits. Thus, it is great for all parts of the body. Organic extra virgin Coconut oil has many properties and thus it is a multipurpose product for face, body and hair. For example, coconut oil can be used as a makeup remover, in particular for removing eye make up. It is very gentle to the skin and thus suitable for dry and sensitive skin types. That is to say coconut oil is very nourishing to the delicate eye area and also strengthens the eyelashes. Hence, it can also function as an eye cream.
Coconut oil is also good as a facial cleanser. This is also known as the oil cleansing method.
It is also useful as a hair conditioner and mask because it has the ability to fully penetrate the hair shaft and thus moisturize the hair thoroughly. It works best as a pre-shampoo conditioner. Distribute the coconut oil evenly throughout your hair and leave it in for about an hour then shampoo your hair and you will have the smoothest hair ever
In addition, coconut oil also performs well as a natural deodorant because it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
To use coconut oil as a body scrub, mix equal parts of coconut oil with brown organic sugar. Scrub away and this will leave your skin sooo soft
As a facial and body moisturizer, it makes your skin amazing and glowing and does not cloak the pores. In addition, coconut oil also has a natural sunscreen (SPF 4).
2. Tamarind
Tamarind can be considered a Thai (beauty) ingredient because it is frequently used in all kinds of Thai recipes. Tamarind has great health and beauty benefits because it is very rich in vitamin and minerals. Since tamarind contains Alpha-hydroxyl acids (AHAs), it provides for a glowing and radiant skin. What is more, it also diminishes blemishes and dark spots. Hence, tamarind is often used by Thai women because it also brightens and lightens the skin 🙂
In fact, Tamarind is a wonderful beauty product. It’s most effectively used as a pure organic paste. Thus, it can be used as a facial cleanser and scrub to exfoliate the skin. Here is a very easy recipe of tamarind cleanser: mix honey and tamarind paste in equal parts and add three tablespoons of yoghurt. Then apply this mixture gently all over your face, avoiding the delicate eye area. After 10 minutes wash it off. Thus, it’s a perfect treatment for removing dead skin cells and increasing blood circulation.
3. Papaya
Papaya is an amazing beauty agent and has wonderful beauty benefits since it contains the miracle papain enzyme. Hence, a facial or body mask of papaya gives the skin a healthy and radiant glow. This is because the papain enzyme works as an exfoliator thus removing all dead skin cells. Make an easy face and body mask by mashing the papaya fruit pulp into a paste. Apply this to your face and body, let it sit for about 10-15 minutes and then rinse and shower everything off.
4. Lemongrass
Lemongrass is a very common ingredient in Thai dishes. However, Thai women appreciate lemongrass also for its beauty benefits because it has detoxifying and exfoliating properties. Lemongrass is most commonly used for facial steams since it suits all skin types
Here is an easy recipe to make a lemongrass face steam: take a pot of boiling water and put in about 40 g of fresh finely chopped lemongrass. Let the mixture stand for about half an hour and then strain it. After that, inhale the steam for about 1 minute and let your skin absorb it too. Repeat it some more times until you have a lovely sauna effect. Thus, the steam cleanses and opens up your pores so that dirt and excess oils are removed.
Maybe you’d like to give these traditional natural Thai beauty secrets a try? I think it’s really worth the effort.
In fact, traditional Thai beauty has also been a great subject in the Visual Arts and painting. For instance, the Thai National Artist Chakrabhand Posayakrit very often portrayed beautiful and flawless Thai women.